It’s been a while since I’ve sold my Ouya, but I’ve recently gotten another one! It’s quite a bit different now than what I remember from the original launch, however.. I like that they’ve integrated ADB over WiFi, and improved a lot with the network performance, and overall system performance.

Anyway, once I updated it to it’s most current firmware (as of this post, anyway,) I noticed that none of the available root methods worked for me – except for my Ouya Toolbox that I wrote last year. Pretty cool, haha.

Well, now that I have another one, I’m going to take a little time here and there to continue with Ouya Toolbox, and see what else I can do with it. As a lot of you know, I had written two versions of it – 1.1.2, and 1.1.2test – of which 1.1.2 auto-detected Ouya devices automatically, while 1.1.2test did not detect the Ouya device, and would push commands blindly. I did this because, a lot of people had an issue with device detection, while others did not – I was one of those that did not have the issue. However, my new Ouya DID in fact have the detection issue, so I had to use my own test version to root it. I’ve messed around with the code a little bit already, and got it to detect my device now with no problems, and am thinking about publishing it as a *fixed* version (I hope!)

My future goal with this program is going to be rooting via WiFi, and just eliminating the need for the USB cable for the Ouya systems that are on a firmware that natively supports AoU.

Keep an eye here, and on XDA for it 🙂